Within this specially curated collection, both enthusiasts and collectors will encounter figures that resonate deeply with the narrative of the Demiurge Era from the KWASAR saga. This era signifies a crucial turning point in the annals of cosmic history, rising from the ashes of the Apocalypse and Exodus epochs. It heralds the end of the universe's inaugural cosmic year—thirteen billion years after the universe's inception with the Big Bang. Transitioning into the nascent phase of the second cosmic year, this era is a testament to rebirth and renewal following the chaos of the Apocalypse and Exodus periods.

In this era of transformation, GODDARK, an entity of unparalleled transcendence, heralded the genesis of the Demiurges. Endowed with divine-like power yet manifested within the physical realm, these beings were conceived with a critical mission. Their inception served as a calculated countermeasure to the eras marred by despair and upheaval, acting as a cosmic bulwark against the return of such universal cataclysms. The Demiurges symbolize a new chapter of divine guardianship and cosmic stewardship, ensuring the stability and flourishing of the universe in its ongoing odyssey through time.